Photos from Colorado, Winter 05/06

Here's the list of bird species (and a few of the mammals) seen during my trip home over the 2005-2006 Winter Break. This is pretty much everything with the exception of some Elk photos taken on my friend Becky's camera which I have yet to put up. Enjoy!!!

You can also view a page of only the photographed species, click here.

Checklist of Birds:
Click the links to see photos taken on this trip.

            Common Loon
            Pie-billed Grebe
            Horned Grebe
            Eared Grebe
            Double-crested Cormorant
            Great Blue Heron
            Snow Goose
            Cackling Goose: A few birds (richarsonii?), one with an oddly whitish supercillium.
            Canada Goose
            Wood Duck
            American Wigeon
            Northern Shoveler
            Northern Pintail
            Green-winged Teal
            Ring0necked Duck
            GREATER SCAUP
            Lesser Scaup
            SURF SCOTER
            Common Goldeneye
            Hooded Merganser
            Red-breasted Merganser
            Bald Eagle
            Northern Harrier
            Sharp-shinned Hawk
            Cooper's Hawk
            Red-tailed Hawk: Includes a rufous/intermediate morph bird, Harlan's type bird, and others.
            Ferruginous Hawk
            American Kestrel
            Prairie Falcon
            Wild Turkey
            Scaled Quail
            American Coot
            Wilson's Snipe
            MEW GULL
            Ring-billed Gull including an unusually dark individual.
            California Gull
            Herring Gull
            Thayer's Gull
            LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL and some other "hard-to-ID" gull photos.
            GLAUCOUS GULL
            Rock Dove
            Eurasian Collard Dove
            Mourning Dove
            Great Horned Owl
            BURROWING OWL
            Belted Kingfisher
            Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
            Downy Woodpecker
            Northern Flicker
            BLACK PHOEBE
            SAY'S PHOEBE
            Loggerhead Shrike
            Northern Shrike
            Gray Jay
            Steller's Jay
            Blue Jay
            Western Scrub-Jay
            Clark's Nutcracker
            Black-billed Magpie
            American Crow
            Common Raven
            Horned Lark
            Black-capped Chickadee
            Mountain Chickadee
            Red-breasted Nuthatch
            White-breasted Nuthatch
            Pygmy Nuthatch
            Brown Creeper
            Rock Wren
            Canyon Wren
            Golden-crowned Kinglet
            Ruby-crowned Kinglet
            Mountain Bluebird
            Townsend's Solitaire
            American Robin
            Curve-billed Thrasher
            European Starling
            Yellow-rumped Warbler
            Spotted Towhee
            Canyon Towhee
            American Tree Sparrow
            Song Sparrow
            White-crowned Sparrow
            Dark-eyed Junco - all 5 Colorado races!
            Red-winged Blackbird
            Western Meadowlark
            Brewer's Blackbird
            House Finch
            American Goldfinch
            House Sparrow

Just a few photos of the other wildlife seen over break.

            American Badger
            Black-tailed Prairie Dog
            Cottontail Rabbit
            Abert's Squirrel - both the normal/gray and black color morphs.
            Fox Squirrel

             I also took lots of climbing and hiking photos, including some shots of the 2006 Ouray Ice Climbing Competition. Check them out!!!

All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)