Abert's Squirrel
Here's a regular/gray type Abert's Squirrel from Lake Dorothy State Wildlife Area, CO (near Sugarite State Park, NM). I believe from around 1999.
These squirrels are Ponderosa Pine specialists and seem to occur in patchy populations throughout their range.

Here is another series of photos all taken on January 18th, 2006 in Beaulah, CO at the Pueblo Mountain Park.
The vast majority of the squirrels here are entierly black (I believe elsewhere some black morphs retain white ventral coloration).
(The first three are of the same individual.)

However, there was this single gray type squirrel in the park foraging with 5 other black squirrels.

All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)