Ring-billed Gull
(Might be slow to download!)
An nice photo that resulted from some accidental overexposure and a yawning Ring-bill!

Note the darker, sleeping bird. This IS a ring-billed gull, yellow bill with complete
black ring just as the other
Ring-bills, yellow eyes, but its darker mantle color is accented by its position and the shadows on the bird.
Pueblo Reservoir, Pueblo, CO - Jan 06. Click photo to enlarge.
Here are some Ring-bill Gulls all seen on Meyer's Point near Ithaca, NY
on the same day in November (I think) of 2005.
Note the variation in eye and bill color, the rose-coloured individual (most likey food related), and the differences between
Click the first four to enlarge.

This bird was actually too close and I couldn't fit it all in the scope to photgraph it!!!
Nice looks at some feathers though, so I included them...

The same 1st winter bird in flight with an adult of the same group for comparison.

Here's a second-winter bird. Note the fleshy bill, dark eye, speckling on the upper breast, and all black wing tips.

This bird had a noticeably pinkish or rose color where it should be white...
Some "older" Colorado Photos

Flying first basic bird at the Pueblo Res.

A Basic II bird from Pueblo City park.

An adult from Pueblo City park.

An 2nd year bird from Pueblo City park. Note the
red on the lower mandible and the dark eyes.
This Page Last Updated: 5 March, 2007
All Photos (C) 1999 Paul Hurtado
(Please let me know if you use them.)