Prairie Falcon
Pawnee Buttes, Pawnee Natn'l Grasslands - 7 June 2008
This is one of two adults seen attending a pair (or more) of nestlings up on the first Butte.
The first few photos are of an adult. Then of the location, and some others of the adults and nestlings.
(Note: Putting the mouse over the images of the butte will show the eyrie/nest location)

Note the group down left, crowded around a spotting scope watching the falcons.

Here's the 2 young that were visible from the ground -- not sure exactly how many were up there.

Here's one of the adults bring some small rodent for lunch - yummmmm, warm rodent!

Here's shots of one of the adults flying to a nearby perch then leaving again (presumable to forage).

Standly Lake, CO - 5 January 2006
A bird seen hanging around a Black-tailed Prairie Dog town near Standly Lake, January 5, 2006.

USC (CSU-Pueblo) Campus - late 1990s

Prairie Falcon: A perched bird just east of the USC campus.

Prairie Falcon: A bird seen hunting Morning Doves near Gunnison.
All Photos (C) Paul Hurtado
(Please let me know if you use them.)