Dark-eyed Juncos!
In Colorado we get quite a diversity of Junco races: Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate-coloured, Gray-headed
and White-winged (no Guadalupe or Red-backed to my knowledge).
The first three photos are of birds (two Pink-sided, an Oregon with grass in its beak, and a Slate) seen in a
mixed flock containing 4 races (no White-winged juncos). Valco Ponds, Pueblo, CO - 12/28/05.

Note that the "moustache" on the bird below is just something in its beak.

Next, a Gray-headed bird (you can barely make out the roufous back in the shadows) seen in Beulah, CO at the Pueblo Mountain Park - Jan 18, 2006.

Lastly, a White-winged junco seen near the Gray-headed junco above. Note
that the bird seemed slightly larger than the other races of junco
it was with. Beaulah, CO - Jan 18, 2006. 
A photo of a junco seen in Pueblo, CO a few years back.

All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)