"Quiz" Gull Photos
So these are crummy pictures of birds for your IDing pleasure. Enjoy!!!

Ok, so the darn bird wouldn't get up so this was the only
view I got.
Sort of light and delicate billed for a herring, but might still be within range of herring.

So this bird was on the ice with the Glaucous Gull I photographed on 12/23/05. I'm sure you can pick out the
Lesser Black-backed (ignore the legs, they were more yellowish than the photo shows), Ring-billed and Herring Gulls,
but what's that darker bird to the back and right!?

A horrible photo, but still good enough for you get IDs for two species of gull.
All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)