2008 EEID Conference Photos

Not many photos, but I did manage a few different excursions while at the conference: The first was a walk to
the local park which turned up things like Blue Jay, Eurasian Collard Dove, Pine Siskin, House Finch, etc.
The second trip was an early morning visit to the Pine Ridge Natural Area near Dixon Reservoir outside of
Ft. Collins - photos from here include Yellow-breasted Chat, American White Pelican, and a frustratingly quiet
"Trail's" (presumably Willow) Flycatcher. Lastly, the end of conference trip to the Pawnee National Grasslands
where the highlight was an active Prairie Falcon eyrie with at least 2 fledglings, a Swift Fox den (seen by others),
Lesser Earless Lizard and Short Horned Lizard. Anyway, here's some photos and links to more photos... enjoy!

Some Wildlife Photos from Colorado this June

        Melissa Blue (a butterfly)
Lesser Earless Lizard
Short Horned Lizard
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Prairie Falcon
House Finch
Yellow-breasted Chat
American White Pelican
Western Kingbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Horned Lark
Lark Sparrow
Lesser Goldfinch
"Trail's" (Willow?) Flycatcher
Violet Green Swallow

A few of the participants relaxing pre- and post-hike to the Pawnee Buttes.

All Photos (C) Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)