House Finch
Ft. Collins, CO - 2-6 June 2008
The first bird was seen on the 2nd in the cemetary adjacent to Ft. Collins city park.
The second bird was seen at the Pine Ridge Natural Area later, on the 6th of June.

Home in Pueblo, CO - 12 June 2008
These birds as well as European Starling, Common Grackle, American Robin and other House Finches were actively
feeding on ripe cherries in a tree in my parents yard. Notice the slightly orange individual at the feeder.

Here's a hatch year bird (juvenile) from the same location a couple days later.


House Finch: A male seen on Red Creek Springs Rd. East.

House Finch: A Female on a sunflower feeder in Pueblo.
All Photos (C) Paul Hurtado
(Please let me know if you use them.)