Pre-Ouray Trips Near Pueblo, CO
Here's a view of the Spanish Peaks from the south end of Lake Pueblo State Park.
We climbed the West Spanish Peak (right), but first, spent some time down lower.

So we were bad about taking photos in this trip... but here's Becky after some Bouldering
in Little Owls Canyon - one of the more relaxing places to boulder (private land) in the Pueblo area.

Now on to the West Spanish Peak!!!
Here's a closer shot from just outside La Veta, CO. Again, West Spanish is on the right.

Now we're looking at the peak from the south-west instead of the north/north-west view above.
The easy route up West Spanish starts on Cordova Pass and heads through a couple meadows, then
through the forest towards the peak. After some switchbacks up the forested part of the peak,
you reach the base of the obvious ridge pictured below, which you follow most of the way up to
the top. Yes, that is a LOT of scree, but it keeps you nimble :). Note the horribly dry conditions
for January 2nd - a few weeks later there was a huge forest fire just to the southwest of these peaks.
Anyway, the lack of snow made the terrain conditions better than most spring and summer conditions!!

OK, now before you hurt yourself laughing too hard at my fashionable choice of outerwear, I'll just say that
ski goggles are much more comfortable to wear when walking/crawling up talus in 50+ mph windgusts.
And yes, we did do our fair share of crawling up the mountain due to the gusty winds that day...
walking was just to darn difficult!!! Anyway, we did reach the top, took in some nice views,
and we even managed signed the summit register without letting a single sheet blow away!

Here's another shot from near La Veta, CO on our way home that evening...

Next, we headed to the Boulder, CO area for a couple nights before heading to Ouray, CO.
While there, I took a day to hang out with The Deener and her Dad and sister who just happened to be in town.
The rest of the time we stayed with Alana Jonat, did some scrambling near the Flatirons.

Peak Climb, etc. ->
Climbing Ice ->
Ice Festival ->
Ice Fest Comp
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All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)