Ice Climbing Photos from Ouray, CO
Here's a few shots of us climbing before and during the festival.

Becky made sure she had nice, sharp tools for the trip!!!
Here I am about mid way up a fun climb (blocked by the rock prow in this first image...)
These first two shots were taken by my dad from across the gorge.

You can see my sister here sitting on some rock near the top of an ice up gully - from there she took the following shots...

Rock?! No problem!!!

Yes, my bibs really do look that dorky... its sad but true...
Next, it was Becky's turn... note her more photogenic outfit!

Oops - time for a rest!!!

If you recall the gully Katie was sitting near in the piture above (the upper Scottish Gully - WI2),
this is where Katie did her first ice climb - here's some shots of her near the top.

Peak Climb, etc. ->
Climbing Ice ->
Ice Festival ->
Ice Fest Comp
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All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)