Iceland Gulls around Ithaca, NY - Birds #7-8
Light Kumlien's Iceland Gull
Ithaca NY - 3-10 Feb 2008.
Why is this bird a Kumlien's Iceland (L. g. kumlieni) NOT a nominate Iceland (L. g. glaucoides)? Take a
carefull look at the wingtip pattern, and you can make out a faint kumlieni wing tip pattern and (relatively!)
dark outer webs to the primaries (see the folded wing). This pattern was more obvious with good scope views, while
the bird was actively feeding. In the open wing photo (#3), you can even make out faint windows on the dorsal side
of the left wing (tip barely visible behind the right wing in the forground), confirming this is a Kumlien's Gull.
This individual was around for at least a week or two in early February, 2008.
Note: On second thought, iceland gull #6 is pretty darn pale, and from the
distances I had observed it under poor light
it seems it could have been a nominate (glaucoides) iceland gull, and not a Kumlien's... Note however, that there
is some faint dark on the outer primaries consistent with Kumlien's, a hit of a tail band (suggestive of Kumlien's?),
and a very dark bill with only hints of pink at the base -- typically, (though not always perhaps?) L.g.glaucoides have
a bit more pink to the base of the bill (~1/3 of the base pink) by this time of year. Perhaps it should get a "Kumline's?"
;) .

Kumlien's Iceland Gull
Ithaca NY - 10 Feb 2008.
This 2nd winter bird was seen the same day (the 10th) as the above individual. Note the structural similarities
relative to Herring Gull (see above), and pattern and coloration of the coverts, tertials and primaries.

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All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)