Iceland Gulls around New York - Bird #6
(Light Kumlien's?) Iceland Gull
Stewart Park in Ithaca NY - 4 March 2007.
I was originally confused by this birds overall size, head shape, and very light plumage
and for some reason thought it might have been a leucistic Herring Gull - however better
looks at the bird revealed it was (not suprisingly) a pale Iceland Gull. Also present
that evening were 2 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a number of Ring-billed, Herring and
Great Black-backed Gulls, 2 Norther Pintal, and a Mute Swan. I believe this is a 1st winter bird?
Also, see my note on the "#7-8" page regarding the subspecies of this individual...
Can you spot the gull in these first two photos??

Here's a closer (yet distant) view taken when I first arrived that evening.

Note the molting primaries.

Here, note the molting primaries, and the faint tail band.

Note this birds long wings and longer legs in this photo.

Here we clearly see the more petite bill compared to the neighboring Herring Gull.
The crouched position also exaggerates the flat crowned look, however even here
this bird still clearly shows the head/bill structure of an Iceland (not Herring!) gull.

Next, we see a bit more of the very faint, fine barring on the upperparts.

Also note the longer legs, which is somewhat unusual for this species(?).

Note: this is the fanned tail with the wing to the right.

Click Here to see the next page: Birds #7-8

All Photos (C) 2005 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)