PASI 2006 - San Salvador, El Salvador
Photos from San Salvador, El Salvador during the 2006 PASI Workshop on Mathematical Models in Population Dynamics
where I had given a couple of lectures. The workshop was held at the National University of El Salvador.
Most of the wildlife photos were taken through my binoculars with a digital camera, hence the poor quality.

Click image to enlarge.
Nap time anyone?!

An evening overlooking San Salvador after some tasty "pupusas" (a local dish).

Some "Nature" Photos

Click to enlarge
This young Green Basilisk (also called the "Jesus Lizard" because of its remarkable ability
to run across water) was found and captured in our lecture hall during the workshop.

I believe this is a "Green Spiny Lizard" of the genus Sceloporus.

A Ruddy Ground Dove - which were quite common on campus.

This was one of a pair of Scrub Euphonias seen flying around campus.

This Turquoise-browed Motmot was from 1 of the 2+ family groups seen on campus.

I unfortunately have no idea what species these are - but "a rose by any name..."

Click to enlarge.

I thought this little guy was a little more interesting than our flies
in NY, so this one got its photo taken when it landed on my desk.
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All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)