Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
These photos are of a migrant Yellow-bellied Sapsucker that spent a day
on the trunk of a tree right outside our front door in Ithaca - 2 April, 2006.

(Click photos to enlarge)
Here is a view of the birds crown, and nape.

Upon inspecting the tree after the bird left, I found two sets of wells -
the first wells (first image below) were right at face level on the trunk
where the bird was perched while I took the above photos. The second set
of wells (second shot) was about a foot or two above the ground on the south
east side of the tree. These wells were really flowing and had attracted ants
(click the second photo for a closer view of the individual wells and nearby ants).

A young/female that spent part of the winter of 1998-99 in Pueblo City
All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)