Stilt Sandpiper
Stewart Park (Ithaca, NY) - 15 September, 2007
This great bird hung around Stewart Park for over a week, right off shore where everyone could
get great looks at it and compare it with the many Lesser Yellowlegs it was associating with.
First, here are three different video clips of this bird. The first is of the bird foraging alone, in
the second
it is feeding near a one-legged Lesser Yellowlegs, and in the third
it is feeding with Pectoral Sandpiper.

Here are three photos showing to compare this bird with a Lesser Yellowlegs.
Aside from the structural features and more noticable plumage differences, I found that I could often spot this bird
when it was turned away because of the streaks on the sides of the undertail coverts, shown in this photo here.

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)