Snow Bunting
Myer's Point -- 3 Nov, 2007
Shots of a small group of Snow Buntings seen towards the end of a
Cayuga Bird Club trip, seen at Myer's Point out on the spit.

17 March, 2007
This was one of about 40 is a flock with about equal numbers of Horned
larks, seen near Lucas Vineyards just down the road from Sheldrake Point.
Despite their numbers, this was the best shot I managed to take!!!

Lansingville Rd. near Myers Pt. - 27 February, 2007
This bird and a Lapland Longspur were seen amidst a flock of Horned Larks

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)