Pectoral Sandpiper
MNWR Wildlife Drive - 23 September, 2007
Note the sexual dimorphism in this group of 3 "pecs" (males are on average larger than females).
For those who enjoy ID challenges, can you ID the 6 other shorebirds in this first photo???

Stewart Park (Ithaca, NY) - 15 September, 2007
This bird stuck around for at least a week, feeding in the unusually good shorebird habitat along the lake
at Stewart Park. These photos were taken later in the bird's stay on .
I also grabbed a couple seconds of video of this bird feeding alone
and also feeding with a Stilt Sandpiper.

Montezuma NWR on 26 August, 2007
This bird was seen along the Wildlife Drive in LaRue's lagoon.

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)