Pacific Loon
Myers Point, November 14, 2007
This bird was seen w/ a Common Loon right off Myers Point, Myers, NY.
Based on barring on back and facial pattern this bird is believed to be a
juvenile. Days earlier a(nother?) Pacific Loon had been seen by numerous
other birders up the lake at Sheldrake, however I am unaware of the age of
that individual.

Possibly the same loon below from the winter of 2005/2006, this
pacific loon was first reported by Tim Lenz on March 18, 2007.
These photos were taken a few days later on 21st and 23rd of March.
South of Sheldrake, March 21 2007

A common sight when looking for this bird... It would come up from
diving just long enough for you to spot it and get on it with your optics -
then all you'd get to see was the splash as it went under for another dive!
However, it occasionally stayed up long enough to observe on the

Note the nice "chin strap" on this bird.

Just North of Sheldrake Pt., March 23 2007
On this day, the water was calm and glassy. I was birding with
Nick Sly and Shawn Billerman, who had hoped we could relocate
the loon. Sure enough, before even stepping out of the car just
north of Sheldrake Point, Nick spotted the bird just a little
ways off shore. We watched (while getting great views!) as the
bird swam north away from us - occasionally preening and diving.

Sheldrake, March 2006
This loon was a life bird for many Cayuga Lake Basin birders, as it stuck
around for a number of weeks (I think I made 6+ stops before finding this
bird!). Tim and Anne Marie Johnson first found the bird 28 Jan 2006. I
snapped these shots a few weeks later on 13 March, 2006. Not the best
photos, but good enough for ID purposes! :)

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)