Presumed Mallard X American Black Duck Hybrids
Now that I've seen a few of these birds, I thought they deserved their own
page on this website... Enjoy!
Sheldrake area - 18 Nov 2007
A group of MANY hybrids. Could some be offspring of a Mallard/Black paired with an American Black Duck?? I'd love some feedback/comments on these birds!!!
First, a Mallard x American Black Duck hybrid with a (presumed pure) female Mallard.

Next, the same hybrid with a few other ducks (all "pure" Black Duck???).

What about the front center bird?? Note the bill shape and color, and pale down the top of the folded wings.

Next, a second Mallard x American Black Duck hybrid from the same small flock.

A third hybrid individual (with male Bufflehead) that we were thinking could be a hybrid x black duck backcross...

Same bird seen here with another similar hybrid (top right), the first hybrid from above (bottom), and a Black Duck.

Same bird (front right), perhaps the same second hybrid bird mentioned in the previous picture (front left, here), and two others I'd love some comments on...

Same bird (front), perhaps same birds from previous photos...

Let me know what you think!!!
Sheldrake Point - 17 Feb 2007
Seen with Mallards, Gadwall and Northern Pintail just off the shore.

Myers Point - 27 January 2007
These birds were all seen in a large flock of ducks just north of Myers Point (Salt Point) north of Ithaca, NY.

This bird was seen copulating with a female mallard - I wonder what those ducks will look like!

Stewart Park - 9 December 2006
This bird was seen hanging around with an American Black Duck during the day.
Later that evening, it was seen sleeping among a flock of 10+ Black Ducks.
Can you find the hybrid in this picture?

Here's a better view. Note the obvious green markings on the head.
Compare to both the Black Duck (left) and Mallard (back) in the picture.

Here's a comparison between the Hybrid and its pal, an American Black Duck.
Note the more subtle differences in the breast, sides, tail, wings, back, etc.

For more photos of this bird, see David Ruppert's Photos of this individual.
Here is another Cayuga Lake bird, this one photographed in December of 2005 from "Hog Hole".
Compare to the bird above.

All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)