Little Gull
Stewart Park - Ithaca, NY - April 20, 2007
This amazing encounter with a second winter Little Gull was shared with a number of
other birders, and more (higher quality) photos of this bird can be found on some of
their websites (e.g. Tom Johnson, and Ryan Douglas).
I should have more photos when I get some film developed.
Some "so-so" video of the bird in flight can be found
here, here,
here, here,
and here.

Here are a few shots of the bird at rest on the water. Note the small
bll and dark in the primaries - typical of 2nd winter Little Gulls.

Next, compare to nearby Boneparte's Gulls. Can you spot the Little Gull?

Compare the bills in the picture above.
Here are three more comparisons with Bonaparte's Gulls. Note the more pale colored
mantle of the Little Gull - which was more obvious "in the field" than shown here.

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)