1st Winter Lesser Black-Backed
Stewart Park, Ithaca, NY - Jan 28, 2006
Compare to the
photos Kevin McGowan took of a 1st winter Lesser Black-backed Gull seen in the Ithaca area in November, 2005.
Here's the bird with two Ring-bills in front if it.
Note the faint light tip to the all dark bill, darker mantle feathers, and relative size
to the Ring-bills.

Here's the bird (front) with two Herring Gulls behind it.
Compare mantle feathers, greater coveret pattern, tertials,
and primaries with the similarly aged Herring Gull directly
behind the bird. Also note the longer looking hind end of the LBBG.

Here's the other (right) side of the bird. Note the advanced-looking
plumage (tertials, scapulars, and mantle maybe???) evident in this

Head/bill comparison with the same Herring Gull (LBBG still in front).
Note also the mantle feathers/coloration.

Here's the adult Lesser Black-backed that was also present on the ice
at the same time. This is probably the same bird that has been present
for the past few weeks. Note the dark, slate mantle (not as black as GBBG,
but still much darker than Herring Gull), yellow legs, and prominant
red spot on gonys.

All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)