Iceland Gulls around New York - Bird #2
Lighter Kumlien's Iceland Gull
The "Compost Piles" off of Stevenson Rd.,
Ithaca NY - 9 Dec 2006.
This bird was first photographed, then noticed standing behind a 3rd winter Lesser Black-Backed Gull
I was trying to photograph. An iceland gull was found about 2 hours later in Stewart Park by Ken Rosenburg,
where I was able to get some nice looks at it. Apparently, they were the same individual as there was also
an adult and 3rd winter Lesser Black Backed Gull in the group, and an odd Herring Gull(?) I had seen
(Click images to zoom in.)

For another image of this bird, see Dave Ruppert's photos of the bird.
Click Here to see the next page: Bird #3

All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)