Some Confusing Gulls
This bird was seen in Stewart Park, Ithaca, NY - 3 March, 2007.
Is it just a 1st winter Herring Gull, or could it be a Lesser Black-backed Gull?
I'm thinking Herring Gull, but the dark/contrasting centers to the scapulars made me wonder...

These first shots are of an odd looking 1st (2nd?) winter Herring-type gull seen on January 14, 2007
at the Pueblo Reservoir. Note its largish size, very light head, and heavy dark bill.

Comparison with similarly aged Herring Gull...

Might this bird be a 1st winter Lesser Black-backed Gull???

All Photos (C) 2006 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)