Wildlife Photographs

Common Loon: At Pueblo Res. in December, 1999

Common Loon: At Pueblo Res. in December, 1999

Horned Grebes:Two Horned Grebes an the N. Shore Marina.

Eared Grebe: Near Bald Eagle Viewing area at Pueblo Res.

American White Pelican: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res.

American White Pelican: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res. (With above bird)
Herons/Ibis/Bitterns/New World Vultures & Condors:

Snowy Egret: Seen on the 2000 CFO Convention, Grand Junction.

Great Blue Heron: Perched in a dead Cottonwood in the Olive Marsh.

Black-crowned Night Heron: Seen at City Park, late summer 1999.

White-faced Ibis: At Comanchee Lake (Colorado City) on International Migratory Bird Day 1999

Turkey Vulture: Seen around the Pueblo area.
Water Fowl:

Canada X Barnacle(?) Geese: Two Geese with a flock of Canadas in Pueblo City Park during the Pueblo Res. CBC (pictures from the day before).

Canada X Barnacle(?) Goose: Closeup of one goose's face.

Canada X Barnacle(?) Goose: One Goose approximately 3 ft. away from a larger Canada. Note how the black bib on the smaller goose is patterned more Barnacle-like than Canada-like, yet has the coloration of a Canada. The white mask
also suggests a Barnacle Goose.

Trumpeter Swans: Trumpeter Swans at Swallows.

Snow Goose: A Snow Goose from Pueblo City Park.

Snow Goose: Close-up on the head of the above bird.

Blue Snow Goose: Resident/Domesticated bird in La Junta City park, late summer 1999.

Canvasback: At Firehouse Ponds in Blende, December 1999.

Redhead: With above bird in December.

Mallard: An adult female and two fledglings at City Park.

Wood Duck at Pueblo City Park

Wood Duck at Pueblo City Park

Wood Duck at Pueblo City Park

Wood Duck at Pueblo City Park

Green-winged Teal: A male Green-winged Teal on the Arkansas near Runyon Lake.

Northern Shoveler: A male Shoveler from Pueblo City Park.

American Widgeon: American Wigeon at City Park.

Lesser Scaup: Two Lesser Scaup seen just up the Arkansas from Runyon Lakes.

Hooded Merganser: Male and Female Hooded Mergansers at Pueblo City Park in January.

Red-breasted Merganser: Male at Pueblo Res., January 2000.

Red-breasted Merganser: Same bird as above.

Ruddy Duck: Male near Rio Grande Res. on June 13 1999

Common Goldeneye: Common Goldeneye above the falls near Runyon.

Osprey 1: A Soaring Osprey seen along Red Creek Rd. East

Osprey 2: A perched Osprey

Bald Eagle: Along Arkansas behind Fish Hatchery Ponds.

Bald Eagle imm.: Immature Bald Eagle soaring

Cooper's Hawk: A Young Cooper's seen on the Pueblo Res. CBC, 1999.

Red-tailed Hawk: Adult flying along Fountain Crk.
Red-tailed Hawk: A Rufous Morph juvanile seen on Red Crk. Rd. East in early January, 2000.

Ferruginous Hawk on Red Creek Rd. East. (Probably a male based on the size.)

Ferruginous Hawk on Red Creek Rd. East. (Probably a female based on size.)

Ferruginous Hawk: Dark-Morph individual observed along Red Creek Rd. East from early December (1999) to mid-January.

Same bird above in late January (2000).

Golden Eagle Eyrie: A young bird in an eyrie near Macey Falls.

American Kestrel: An American Kestrel on Waterbarrel Rd.

American Kestrel: An American Kestrel on Baculite Mesa Rd.

Prarie Falcon: Prarie Falcon just east of the USC campus.

Prairie Falcon: A bird seen hunting Morning Doves near Gunnison.

Peregrine Falcon: Peregrine from the eastern planes in the spring of 2000.

Mississippi Kite: A Kite near the corner of Goodnight Ave. and Cleveland Ave.

Mississippi Kite: A bird seen in Pueblo, CO summer 2000.

Swainson's Hawk: Seen on Red Creek Rd. East eating a starling!

Swainson's Hawk: (Probably a roufous morph) Seen on Prairie and Quillan near the ditch on International Mirgatory Bird Day. Note the long wings.

Swainson's Hawk: Same bird as above.

Swainson's Hawk: Adult bird flying along the Fountain.

Blue Grouse: A Blue Grouse seen near Alvarado Creek, Custer Co.

Scaled Quail: A Scailed Quail on Swallows Rd.
Shore Birds:

Common Snipe: A Common Snipe found along the road near Lake Minniqua.

Willet: A Willet seen at Lake Merideth.

Killdeer: A Young bird from south of the Beulah Highway (HW98).

Killdeer: One of USC's numerous parkinglot inhabitants.

American Avocet: Near San Luis Lakes SWA off of 6N ln.

Hudsonian Godwit: Just south of Huerfano Res. in a temporary pond.

Black-necked Stilt: Lake Cheraw, Summer 2000.

Sanderling: One of three birds seen at Lake Henry during a 1999 fall CFO count.

Spotted Sandpiper: Winter Plumage bird seen at Pueblo Res., fall 1999

Baird's Sandpiper: Seen at Lake Henry during a fall CFO trip, 1999.

Least Sandpiper: Picture taken in Puerto Penasco, Mexico along the Sea of Cortez in late March, 1999.

Pomerine Jaeger: A Light Morph Pomerine Jaeger late in the summer of 2000 at Pueblo Reservoir.

Pomerine Jaeger: A Light Morph Pomerine Jaeger late in the summer of 2000 at Pueblo Reservoir.

Great Black-backed Gull: The Great Black-backed Gull at the North Shore Marina at Pueblo Res. during the winter of 1998-1999.

California Gull: Adult gulls near the South Marina at Pueblo Reservoir, fall 1999.

Mew Gull: One of two Mew Gulls at Pueblo Reservoir, winter 1999-2000.

Mew Gull: One of two Mew Gulls at Pueblo Reservoir, winter 1999-2000.

Ring-billed Gull: Flying first basic bird at the Pueblo Res.

Ring-billed Gull: An odd adult from Pueblo City park. Note the red on the lower mandible and the dark eyes.

Boneparte's Gull: Adult Basic bird at the Pueblo Res. in December, 1999

Boneparte's Gull: Adult Basic bird at the Pueblo Res. in December, 1999

Forester's Tern: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res.

Common Tern in flight: One of the common terns that stopped at Pueblo Reservoir during fall migration, 2000.

Common Tern at rest: One of the common terns that stopped at Pueblo Reservoir during fall migration, 2000.

Rock Doves: Rock Doves near Runyon Lake.

Mourning Dove: A Mourning Dove in my backyard.

White-winged Dove: A White-winged Dove seen in Demming, NM.

Eurasion Collard Dove in Rocky Ford, late summer 1999.

Same bird as above.

Greater Roadrunner: Seen behind the Rocky Ford Golfcourse on a 1999 fall CFO trip.

Great Horned Owl: A Great Horned Owl chick near its nest in front of the USC Ochiatto Center.

Burrowing Owl: Adult and chicks; One of at least 3 familes on the corner of Nickols Rd. (The turnoff to Lake Pueblo) and McCulloch Blvd. in Pueblo West. July 7, 1999.

Burrowing Owl: Two Chicks near Baculite Mesa Rd.

Burrowing Owl: An adult about to feed one of the above chicks.

Burrowing Owl: Another of the many Burrowing Owls located in the prairie dog town below Baculite Mesa on Baculite Mesa Rd.

Burrowing Owl: Another of the many Burrowing Owls located in the prairie dog town below Baculite Mesa on Baculite Mesa Rd.

Burrowing Owl.

Long-eared Owl: Seen at Bonny Reservoir, spring 2000.

Black Swift: A Nesting Black Swift found at Alvarado Falls, Custer Co. in July, 2000.

Common Nighthawk: On a fence post south of the Beulah Highway.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird: A Female Captured (then released) at Aiken Canyon on July 9, 1999.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird: Male at a feeder near Buena Vista.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird: Female at same feeder as above.

Black-chinned Hummingbird: A Nesting bird near Rye, CO.

Rufous Hummer: Perched upon a wire guarding a nearby feeder outside Creede CO, late summer 2000.

Humming Bird: Can you identify this one? It was seen during fall migration in Creede CO, 2000.

Belted Kingfisher: Female near the ditch between West Park and Thatcher.

Belted Kingfisher: Same bird as above.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (imm, f): 1998-99 Winter near Pueblo City Park near Tennis Courts.

Acorn Woodpecker: OK, so I didn't have my camera with me when I saw this first Pueblo Co. record!

Say's Phoebe: Flycatching near nest at USC.

Western Wood Peewee: A Bird Banded at Aiken Canyon July 9, 1999.

Western Wood Peewee: Bird near Colorado City.

Eastern Kingbird: Seen at Bonny Reservoir, spring 2000.

Western Kingbird: South of Beulah Highway (Hw97).

Western Kingbird: In front of the USC Library.

Cassin's Kingbird: Photographed along Red Creek Springs Rd.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher: One of the birds located at Blackforest Rd. and Woodman in Colorado Springs in late June, 1999.

Ash-throated Flycatcher: Seen on Baculite Mesa Rd. near the Black-throated Sparrow location.

Horned Lark: A Horned Lark at the Pueblo Reservoir.

Horned Lark: A Horned Lark South of the Beulah highway.

Horned Lark: Photographed while singing from fence post on Baculite Mesa.

Barn Swallow: One of the birds Nesting under USC's Library Wing.

Barn Swallow: Another nesting USC bird.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow: On a powerline along Red Creek Springs Rd.

Cliff Swallow: Many birds picking up mud along Red Creek Springs Rd.

Gray Jay: Seen in the Sangre de Cristos, late summer 1999.

Black-billed Magpie: Anyone for road kill? (Near DOW offices at Pueblo Res.)

American Crow: It's not as tasty as rabbit, but it'll have to do! (On Cleavland Ave. near the church.)

Red-breasted Nuthatch: Seen along the Arkanas near Runyon.

Red-breasted Nuthatch: Same bird as above.

Carolina Wren: At a private residence near Orman Ave. and Thatcher Ave.

Carolina Wren: Same bird as above.

Begging Youngster and Parent American Dippers: Part of a Dipper family seen along the Rio Grande near Creede, late summer 2000.

Fledgling American Dipper: Part of a Dipper family seen along the Rio Grande near Creede, late summer 2000.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res.

Eastern Bluebird: An Eastern BB seen in Blende on the 1999-2000 Pueblo CBC.

Mountain Bluebird: On a fence post along Red Crk. Rd. East.

Townsend's Solitaire: A Townsend's Solitaire perched along the Arkansas River near the "train bridge".

American Robin: An American Robin Bathing in the Arkansas River.

Gray Catbird: Singing near Colorado City.

Northern Mockingbird: Photographed along Red Creek Springs Rd.

Sage Thrasher: A Sage Thrasher near Tejon Ave. and Woodstock in Pueblo West.

Curve-billed Thrasher: A Curve-billed Thrasher seen on the 1999-2000 Pueblo CBC.

Cedar Waxwing: A Cedar Waxwing below City Park near the wooden bridge.

Cedar Waxwing: Another bird from the same flock as the above waxwing.

Northern Shrike: A Young Northern Shrike near the State Park HQs at Pueblo Res.

Logger-head Shrike: A Logger-head Shrike on Red Creek Rd. East.

Warbling Vireo: Seen at Bonny Reservoir, Spring 2000.

Yellow Warbler: Male near Colorado City.

Myrtle's Yellow-rumped Warbler: Seen downstream from the wooden bridge below City Park.

Myrtle's Yellow-rumped Warbler: Seen foraging with the above bird.

Myrtle's Yellow-rumped Warbler: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res.

Pine Warbler: A Pine Warbler feeding along the Arkansas at Valco Ponds, Pueblo

Pine Warbler: The same Bird as above, different view.

Pine Warbler: The same Bird as above, different view.

Yellow-Throated Warbler: Pueblo City Park, June 12 1999.

Yellow-Throated Warbler: Pueblo City Park, June 12 1999.

MacGillivray's Warbler: An adult male singing in Sugarite State park (NM) near Lake Dorothy SWA (CO).

Virginia's Warbler: Banded in Aiken Canyon on July 9, 1999.

Virginia's Warbler: Different shot of the above bird.

Wilson's Warbler: Banded at Hanna Ranch, Fall 1999.

American Redstart: Banded at Hanna Ranch, Fall 1999.

Black-headed Grosbeak: Female seen at the Sugarite SP Headquarters near Lake Dorothy SWA.

Black-headed Grosbeak: Another bird at Valco.

Blue Grosbeak: Not Blue? That's right, this is an albino, seen on the USC campus in early fall, 2000.

Canyon Towhee: A Canyon Towhee at the Pueblo Reservoir.

Spotted Towhee: Spotted Towhee at Sugarite State Park (NM) south of Lake Dorothy SWA (CO).

Lazuli Bunting: Seen near Hanna Ranch, fall 1999.

Dark-eyed Junco: Slate race at USC.

Lincoln's Sparrow: Banded at Hanna Ranch, fall 1999.

Lark Bunting: A Male along Red Creek Springs Rd. East.

Harris's Sparrow: One of two birds seen on the Pueblo CBC 1999-2000.

Harris's Sparrow: One of two birds seen on the Pueblo CBC 1999-2000.

Harris's Sparrow: One of two birds seen on the Pueblo CBC 1999-2000.

White-crowned Sparrow: An immature White-crowned Sparrow.

White-crowned Sparrow: An adult White-crowned Sparrow.

Song Sparrow: Near Turkey Creek area at Pueblo Res.

Lark Sparrow: Singing from atop a fence post along Swallows Rd. in Pueblo West.

Black-throated Sparrow: Seen on Baculite Mesa Rd. in some Currant Bushes along with some others. Summer 2000.

Red-winged Blackbird: East of USC Campus.

Western Meadowlark: A W. Meadowlark along Red Creek Rd. East.

Rusty Blackbird: A female Rusty Blackbird foraging along the Arkansas near Runyon Lake.

Rusty Blackbird: A male Rusty Blackbird along the Arkansas below the falls near Runyon Lake.

Yellow-headed Blackbird: Near Huerfano Lake on Fields Rd.

Common Grackle: A Common Grackle at a feeder.

Great-tailed Grackle: Near Huerfano Lake on Fields Rd.

Brown-headed Cowbird: Near Rio Grande Res.

Northern Oriole: Female Bullock's on Red Creek Springs Rd. East.

Gray-crowned Rosy Finches: A Gray-crowned and Hepburn's Gray-crowned (or Gray-headed) Rosy Finch.

Gray-crowned Rosy Finches: More Gray-crowned Rosy Finches.

House Finch: A male seen on Red Creek Springs Rd. East.

House Finch: A Female on my Sunflower feeder.
Non-native Bird Species:

House Sparrow: A male Passer domesticus in my back yard.
Raptor Center's Captive Birds:

Barn Owl: Taken during Eagle Days on February 5th 1999 at the Parks Headquarters, Pueblo Res.

Barn Owl: Same bird as above.

Western Screech Owl: Taken during Eagle Days on February 5th 1999.

Swainson's Hawk: Taken during Eagle Days on February 5th 1999.
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Texas Horned Lizard: A Texas Horned Lizard from Picketwire Canyon, Comanchee Natl. Grasslands.

Earless Lizard: An Earless Lizard from near Vogel Canyon Campgrounds, Comanchee Natl. Grasslands.

Western Fence Lizard: Suning along Red Creek Springs Rd.

Collard Lizard: A Collard Lizard seen near Pueblo Reservoir.

Colorado Checkered Whiptail: Eating a grasshopper near Runyon lake, summer 1999.

Bullsnake: Bullsnake between Swallows and N. Shore Marina at Pueblo Res.

Coachwhip: A young snake seen on Red Crk. Rd. West.

(Plains?) Garter Snake: Found along the Arkansas near Valco.

Smooth Green Snake: The first county record for Pueblo Co. found in Rye, CO in early October, 2000.

Western (or Ornate) Box Turtle: Rescued from traffic along Thatcher Ave. near the Pueblo City limit with minor injuries.

Common Snapping Turtle: Seen near Pueblo Reservoir.

Bullfrog: A young frog at Pueblo Reservoir.
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Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel: A cute little guy seen a few miles south of the Beulah highway.

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel: Same as above.

Ground Squirrel: Sangre de Cristos.

Fox Squirrel: Pueblo City Park.

Abert's Squirrel: A normal colored individual from Lake Dorothy SWA.

(Mexican?) Woodrat: Found at Valco Ponds.

Short-tailed Weasel: Seen above timberline in the Sangre de Cristos.

Black-tailed Jackrabbit: Seen west of Swallows Rd. west of Pueblo west.

Mule Deer: A buck seen at Valco near the ditch.

White-tailed Deer: A Doe seen in the Olive Marsh with a herd of Mule Deer.

Moose: A Bull moose seen near Rio Grande Res. on June 13 1999.

Pronghorn: A Pronghorn near Pueblo Reservoir.
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NOTE:If you can identify any of these PLEASE email me! Thanks!

(White-spotted?) Pine Sawyer Beetle: Found near Rye Mountain Park. (appr. 1 inch long body!)

Tiger Beetle: Seen between Valco and the Snakeskin Picinic area.

Spider: Spider sitting on a web.

Polyphemous Moth: Found in Rye Colorado.

Queen: Seen along the Arkansas near Runyon lake.

Cabbage White: Seen in the Olive Marsh along the Arkansas River.

Cabbage White: Seen near above Butterfly.

Arachne Checkerspot: Found near the butterflies above.

Red Admiral: Seen in Lake Henry Grove on a 1999 fall CFO trip.










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All Photos (C) 1999 Paul Hurtado
(Please let me know if you use them.)