Ft. Drum trip - Memorial Day 2008

This year I made it up to Ft. Drum on Memorial Day Weekend, with a few other birders from the
Ithaca area (Our co-leaders were Mickey Scilingo and Bob McGuire; the other participants were
Laura Stenzler, Thon Schat, Anne Mitchell, Gladys Birdsall, Steven and Susie Fast, and myself).

Here is a copy of the trip report posted to Cayugabirds-L by Mickey Scilingo.


Bird Photos

Black-and-white Warbler
Clay-colored Sparrow
Great Crested Flycatcher
Golden-winged Warbler
**Golden-winged X Blue-winged hybrids**
Henslow's Sparrow
Hermit Thrush
Marsh Wren and nest
Mourning Warbler
Red-headed Woodpecker
Sharp-shinned Hawk

Other photos from the trip

Click for more porcupine photos:


Any thoughts on the ID of this skipper???

All Photos (C) 2007 Paul Hurtado
(Just let me know if you use them!)