Canyon and Desert Orientation Photos!
For more information about the different Orientation trips lead by the Colorado State University - Pueblo Experiential Learning
Center, please check out their webpage.
The Desert Orientation trips were ran each spring break to the desert southwest. We drove from Colorado through New Mexico to Arizona, stopping in
Tucson's Desert Museum along the way. We backpacked for 3 nights in Oregon Pipe National Park, then went on in to Sonora, Mexico and stayed along the
beach to learn tidepool ecology and (of course) lounge on the beach!
The Canyon Orientation trips went each May after classes, for a week long adventure in Utah's canyon country. An incredible trip!!!
Some Desert Orientation Photos

Desert Orientation: Kate at Quitobaquito Springs

Desert Orientation: Paul and Den at the Tree

Desert Orientation: Den, Kate and Paul at Quitobaquito

Desert Orientation: Liz, Monica and Den in the Quitobaquito tree

Desert Orientation: Off into the Backcountry we go!

Desert Orientation: Paul finding Sand-dollars

Desert Orientation: Kate and I at the Sand-dollar Beach

Desert Orientation: Kate and I looking silly

Desert Orientation: Organ Pipe Sign

Desert Orientation: Kate and Paul at Organpipe
Canyon Orientation Photos
Pardon the water damage by the way - the film ended up in water before getting developed!

Canyon Orientation: Paul acting like he's 12 in Little Wildhorse Canyon

Canyon Orientation: Liz and Kate in Cottonwood Canyon

Canyon Orientation: In Cottonwood Canyon just before entering "The Big Nasty"

Canyon Orientation: Paul playing in Cottonwood Canyon over "The Big Nasty"

Canyon Orientation: Kate

Canyon Orientation: Tough Guy Den

Canyon Orientation: Group Photo

Canyon Orientation: Justin Knox, an interpretive ranger from the Nature Conservancy(?), with the group.

Canyon Orientation: Near The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon - Elk and Buffalo Hunt

Canyon Orientation: The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon

Canyon Orientation: The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon

Canyon Orientation: The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon - Dancing Man

Canyon Orientation: The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon - Dancing Man and Sheep Hunt

Canyon Orientation: Kate and Paul in the Canyonlands

Canyon Orientation: Kate being silly in the canyons

Canyon Orientation: Paul and Kate on the way up Pinnacle #1
This Page Last Updated: June 12, 2001
All Photos (C) 1999.