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Data Resources for Modellers

These are online resources where modelers can download (mostly ecological) data.
This is not a complete listing data repositories, so links to other similar pages are also included.

If I'm missing something, please contact me and let me know!

-Paul Hurtado

Other Lists of Data Repository

Data Repositories

Human Populations

  • Data.Gov -- Repository of federal data (something like 90,000 data sets of various kinds), with everything from land/water use data, hurricane sandy damage, bark beetle damage by region, etc.
  • Global Health Observatory Data Repository (WHO) -- Health related data for infectious diseases, chronic diseases, nutrition, etc.
  • data.un.org -- Data from the United Nations
  • US Census Bureau -- See, for example, the US Gazetteer, DataFerret, Easy Stats and the Data Visualization Gallery
  • Infectious Disease Data from Ben Bolker -- "Data, mostly time-series of case reports, on measles and chickenpox from various regions (England and Wales, New York City, Copenhagen, Baltimore County ...) Also includes some miscellaneous geographic and demographic data that I consider to be useful. Most of these data have been manually entered from published records by various people, and are prone to errors at several levels. All data are provided as is. Feel free to e-mail me (bolker@mcmaster.ca) with questions or corrections, but use at your own risk."

Other Data Sources